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To: The Editor of December 4, 2003
Tom Wallace's Dec. 3rd OpEd piece erroneously attributes malicious intent to Israel in the construction of the security fence. In doing so, Mr. Wallace is inaccurate and misleads his readers. The wall is going up for three reasons: first, Palestinians are killing Israelis; second, no one is doing anything to stop it except the Israelis; and, third, the wall saves lives.
To: The Editor of The New York Times June 3, 2005
Your comment that it seems odd to bemoan the absence of democracy when Palestinians held a free and fair presidential election in January (and) it will become harder for any Israeli government to argue they shouldn't have a state within which to “practice it,” misses the mark. The problem isn't a democratically elected government. The problem is a democratically elected terrorist government. You will recall the electoral success of the National Socialists in 1930s Germany and, recently, of Hazbollah in Lebanon . More than free elections are required to form a democracy.
To: The Editor of The New York Times January 6, 2006
Your comment that “the Israelis can't live with the Palestinians (Editorial: “Life After Sharon.” 1/6/06) puts the shoe on the wrong foot. It is the Palestinians who can't live with the Israelis. There is one undeniable fact that clears away the smoke and illuminates this truth: Israel 's disengagement from Gaza was necessary because 1.4 million Palestinians wouldn't live in peace with 8,000 Israelis. That is the reason Gaza, with the encouragement of the United States and Europe, became an apartheid state.